Hans Georg Kress

Department of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Medical University/AKH.
Vienna, Austria

Hans Georg Kress is professor and Head of the Department of Special Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at the Medical University/AKH of Vienna, Austria. His multiple clinical and experimental research interests focus on the pharmacological treatment of acute and chronic pain, invasive pain management and neuromodulation in cancer and non-cancer patients, clinical pharmacology of anaesthetics, opioid and non-opioid analgesics and cannabinoids. Over the years he held several positions with international and national scientific societies, and has been President of the European Pain Federation (EFIC). He was founding Executive Board member of the Austrian Society for Palliative Care (OPG), President of the Austrian Pain Society (ÖSG), and chairman of the Task Force on Pain Management of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP). He has been appointed Honorary Member of the Austrian Pain Society, Honorary Member of the Polish Pain Society, Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland (FFPMCAI), and Honorary Member of the European Pain Federation (EFIC). He is Honorary Advisory Board Member of the scientific Journal “Bolest” of the Czech Association for the Study of Pain (SSLB) and has been longstanding deputy editor of the “European Journal of Pain” and co-editor of “Acute Pain”. He has authored numerous scientific articles, books and book chapters on anaesthetics, analgesics, pharmacological and invasive cancer and non-cancer pain management.